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The chart above shows that the pair is trading above 0.9700. Therefore, we are bullish as long as the pair is trading above it with targets: 1.0000 – 1.0130. (Our limit is the downtrend line).
Resistance levels: | Support levels: | Recommended: |
▪ 1.0150 ▪ 1.0130 ▪ 1.0000 |
▪ 0.9700 ▪ 0.9600 ▪ 0.9500 |
Limited bulishness. |
The chart above shows that the pair is trading above 1.1000. Therefore, we are bullish as long as the pair is trading above it with targets: 1.1450 – 1.1680. Our limit is 1.1540 (the downtrend line).
Resistance levels: | Support levels: | Recommended: |
▪ 1.1730 ▪ 1.1680 ▪ 1.1450 |
▪ 1.1000 ▪ 1.0900 ▪ 1.0500 |
Bullish above 1.1000. |
The chart above shows that the pair is trading above 1615. Therefore, we are bullish as long as the pair is trading above it with targets: 1677 – 1700.
Resistance levels: | Support levels: | Recommended: |
▪ 1727 ▪ 1700 ▪ 1677 |
▪ 1620 ▪ 1610 ▪ 1600 |
Bullish above 1615. |
The chart above shows that pair is trading below a strong resistance level that is 0.6400. If the pair reaches this area again, we might go short to target: 0.6200 – 0.6000.
Resistance levels: | Support levels: | Recommended: |
▪ 0.6600 |
▪ 0.6200 |
Bearish below 0.6400. |
The chart above shows that the pair is trading above 166.00. Therefore, we are bullish as long as the pair is trading above it with targets: 169.50 – 170.50.
Resistance levels: | Support levels: | Recommended: |
▪ 170.00 ▪ 168.00 ▪ 167.00 |
▪ 166.00 |
We are bullish as long as the pair is trading above 166. |
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